Privacy Policy

FIAB Sp. z o.o. Bronisław Koziołkiewicz sp. k. Privacy Policy

We sincerely thank you for your interest in FIAB Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. websites, as well as in our offerings and activities.

We inform you that your personal data is processed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, „GDPR”).

Personal Data Administrator

The administrator of your personal data is FIAB Sp. z o.o. Bronisław Koziołkiewicz sp. k., with its registered office at ul. Rakietowa 38, 54-615 Wrocław, Poland. You can contact us in the following ways:

– by traditional mail: ul. Rakietowa 38, 54-615 Wrocław, POLAND

– via e-mail:

– by phone: +48 71 7382417


Purpose and Legal Basis of Processing


We process your personal data in the following situations:

-When you visit our website ( or our company’s social media pages on Facebook or YouTube, or for the purpose of ensuring the proper display of content on our website, monitoring and analyzing website and fanpage traffic, or responding to messages sent to us via the contact form or Messenger. In such cases, the legal basis for processing personal data is the legitimate interest of the administrator (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).

– When we conduct marketing activities on our website, through social media channels, or send marketing information to our clients, including contacting them by phone for marketing purposes, the legal basis for processing personal data is the pursuit of our legitimate interests as the data controller (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).

– When you send us an inquiry, for example, in relation to your interest in our commercial offer, for the purpose of responding to it. In such cases, the legal basis for processing personal  data is the necessity to take steps prior to entering into a contract if the contact is initiated by the person to whom the data relates (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR), or the legitimate interest if the contact is initiated by a person representing another entity (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).

– If you plan to or have already entered into a contract with us—to properly perform that contract (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR).

– For the purpose of fulfilling our obligations imposed on us by relevant regulations, such as tax and accounting laws, thus for the fulfillment of legal obligations to which we are subject (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR).

– In connection with the pursuit of other legitimate interests as the administrator or third parties, such as pursuing or defending against claims, based on the legitimate interest of the administrator (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).


Recipients of Personal Data


The recipients of your data may include:

– Entities to whom we have entrusted the processing of personal data on our behalf, providing services for us, in particular accounting, IT, legal, technical services, or employment agencies.

– Entities or authorities authorized by law, with the reservation that public authorities that may receive personal data as part of specific proceedings are not considered recipients under the GDPR. Additionally, for data processed via our fanpage or website, the recipients of the data will include the entities responsible for maintaining and providing technical support for the website, entities monitoring the number of visitors, and the social media platform Facebook:

   – Meta Platforms Inc. based in California, USA, and Meta Ireland Ltd. – These entities are responsible for the operation of the fanpage on Facebook. Meta Platforms Inc. has certified its participation in the EU-US Data Privacy Framework. Meta Ireland relies on the EU-US Data Privacy Framework and the European Commission’s adequacy decision for the transfer of European data to Meta Platforms, Inc. in the USA, according to Meta’s Privacy Statement on the Data Privacy Framework. Facebook Ireland Ltd. is an Irish legal entity and thus adheres to EU data processing regulations.

   – Google LLC based in California, USA, and Google Ireland Ltd. – These entities are responsible for the operation of the YouTube fanpage. Google LLC processes data in accordance with the European Commission’s adequacy decision for the transfer of European data to Google entities in the USA, as stated in the privacy statement available at

Google Ireland Ltd. is an Irish legal entity and thus adheres to EU data processing regulations.


Data Retention Period


Your personal data will be stored:

– In the case of data processing based on consent: until the consent is withdrawn.

– In the case of data processing for the purpose of presenting an offer: for the duration of contract negotiations and until the end of the calendar year following the year in which you last contacted us regarding the conclusion of the contract.

– In the case of data processing for the purpose of contract execution: until the expiration of all limitation periods arising from that contract.

– In the case of data processing to fulfill legal obligations: the data retention period is determined by the relevant regulations.

– In the case of data processing based on the legitimate interest of the data controller: until the legitimate interest ceases (e.g., the expiration of claims), or until a valid objection to further data processing is raised by the data subject.


Rights of Data Subjects


In connection with the processing of personal data, you have the following rights:

– Right of access to your personal data: You may request from us a range of information about how we process your personal data, including: why we process your personal data, what categories of personal data we process, to whom we disclose your personal data, how long we store your personal data, or what criteria we use to determine this period, from what source we obtained your personal data (if we did not receive it directly from you), whether the processing involves automated decision-making (so-called profiling). You may also request a copy of your personal data that we process. This may, but does not necessarily, involve fees equivalent to the costs of handling your request. If a fee is required, we will inform you promptly before fulfilling the request.


– Right to rectify personal data: If your personal data is inaccurate, you may ask us to correct it. If you wish to correct your data, please provide a document confirming the changes. We also ask that you inform us of any changes to the data we currently process to ensure its accuracy and reliability.


– Right to delete personal data (right to be forgotten): If you believe that your personal data is being processed unlawfully, longer than necessary, or without cause, you may request that we delete it.


– Right to restrict the processing of personal data: You may ask us to limit the processing of your personal data solely to storage or to perform actions agreed upon with you if you believe we have incorrect data or are processing it unlawfully.


– Right to object to the processing of personal data: You have the right to object to the processing of your data for direct marketing purposes. Exercising this right will stop the processing of your data for this purpose. Additionally, you may object to the processing of your personal data for other purposes, other than direct marketing. In such a case, please indicate the specific situation that you believe justifies our cessation of processing in objection. Following your objection, we will stop processing your data for these purposes unless our legitimate grounds for processing your personal data are found to outweigh your rights, or your data is necessary for establishing, exercising, or defending legal claims.


– Right to data portability: You are entitled to obtain from us, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format (e.g., on a computer), your personal data that you have provided to us, as long as the processing is based on consent (Article 6(1)(a) and Article 9(2)(a) GDPR), or on a contract (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR), and the processing is carried out by automated means. As part of this right, you may also instruct us to transfer this data directly to another entity.


– Right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data: If we process your data based on the consent you have given for processing personal data, you may withdraw this consent at any time. Please note, however, that the withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.


– Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection concerning the processing of your personal data.


Information on the Requirement to Provide Data and the Right to Withdraw Consent

Providing your data is voluntary; however, it is necessary if you wish to enter into a contract with us or receive an offer. Providing data for processing based on consent is entirely voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out prior to its withdrawal.


Information on Automated Decision-Making and Profiling

As a rule, we do not engage in automated data processing that would result in making any decisions about you or otherwise affect your situation. However, entities that receive your personal data in connection with visiting their websites may use it to display similar content tailored to what you have searched for (profiling). This particularly applies to services provided by Google and Facebook.


Use of Cookies

When you visit our websites, information in the form of a cookie may be stored on your computer. Cookies are used to automatically recognize your computer during subsequent visits to our websites. Cookies allow, among other things, the customization of your preferences regarding the viewing and functionality of websites to meet your needs. If you do not wish for your computer to be recognized by us, you can change the settings of your web browser to delete cookies from your hard drive, block them, or warn you before they are saved. However, this may result in some features on our websites being unavailable to you. In addition to our own cookies (those placed directly by us on the websites), there are also third-party cookies placed by external entities such as Facebook and Google, whose components have been called up on our website. We have no control over the data processing practices of these entities. Information regarding the data and its processing should be obtained from the websites of these external entities mentioned above.




FIAB Sp. z o.o. Bronisław Koziołkiewicz Sp. k.
Wrocław 54-615
ul. Rakietowa 38

NIP 8942999829
KRS 0000357875
REGON 021278590
BDO 000072061

    Administratorem Państwa danych osobowych jest FIAB Sp. z o.o. Bronisław Koziołkiewicz sp.k. adres: Wrocław 54-615, ul. Rakietowa 38. Państwa dane będą przetwarzane w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na zadane pytania. Więcej na temat przetwarzania danych osobowych przez administratora znajdziecie Państwo w naszej

    Polityce Prywatności