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  • FIAB company is laureate of Polish Intelligent Development 2017 Award

    FIAB company is laureate of Polish Intelligent Development 2017 Award 1-9-2017

    Another success in FIAB company!

    FIAB Sp. z o.o. sp. k. was awarded the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2017. The awards will be presented to the winners at the 2nd Forum of Intelligent Development (, which will be held on 23-24 October at the Exhibition and Congress Center in Jasionka, near Rzeszów – at G2A Arena. The award ceremony will take place on 23 October at a special gala with the participation of the national media. Gala is the culmination of the first day of the event. The prize is awarded in recognition of the achievements of our Company.


    The initiator of the award is the Center for Smart Development. Media partner of the awards is the section “Innovations thing.” The Silesian Center for Business Ethics and Sustainable Development, operating at the Silesian University of Technology is a substantive partner of the award.

    This is the second Intelligent Development Forum and for the second time our company was awarded the PNIR Award. This is another reason for us to be proud!


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