By implementing of the Project 1.1.1. under title: "Development of new generation innovative machines for joining plastics: PVC, silicone, teflon, ethylene, using electromagnetic energy" in the so-called "Fast track" FIAB develops, among others, in topics related to the emission of electromagnetic fields.
On 26 – 29 th June we took an active part as a sponsor at the XXVI Conference of the Polish Society of Applied Electromagnetics. This year's edition "Applications of electromagnetism in modern techniques and medicine" has been combined with the VI International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetism (SAEM - Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics).
The aim of this conference was to present own work and maintenance on electromagnetism. During the presentation we presented the technology of high frequency welding used in our machines. We also spoke about methods of reducing the emission of electromagnetic fields in order to protect workers on example of our own measurements of radiation.
The title of our lecture was: “Electromagnetic energy in heating and welding industrial devices – protection of workers from excessive exposure to EMF”. We were very proud to be hosted among the many personalities from the world of science, including Wroclaw University of Technology, Technical University of Czestochowa, the Military Medical Institute, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Polish National Committee of the International Union of Radio Science.
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