FIAB joined to the business elite group of companies with the most dynamic development!
The business daily “Puls Biznesu” publishes ranking for the seventeenth time. All “Puls Biznesu” subscribers will receive it.
At the gala of Gazele Biznesu, we came as laureate. Representatives of the FIAB company, CEO – Rafał Jabłoński and Technical Project Engineer – Paulina Grabarczyk received the award and proudly posed for pictures on the wall. Constant and dynamic development of the company FIAB has been noticed and appreciated – we will be happy to boast the received title!
Check our business e-card at
Photogallery from gala Gazele Biznesu 2016
Photoreport from gala Gazele Biznesu 2016 in Wroclaw
source of photos:
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Feel free to contact us via WhatsApp! Our consultant is available!
FIAB Sp. z o.o. Bronisław Koziołkiewicz Sp. k.
Wrocław 54-615
ul. Rakietowa 38
NIP 8942999829
KRS 0000357875
REGON 021278590
BDO 000072061
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