The university's research and development potential will be extended in the field of practical learning of the students' profession, and will later allow our company to acquire qualified personnel.
On March 16 2018, the FIAB company signed a framework agreement for cooperation with the Electrical Department of the Chair of Power and Electricity of the Wrocław University of Technology (No. P/0180/79/2018).
We declare full readiness to participate in career days organized by PWr! Selected students will have the opportunity to go apprenticeship/ internship in our company. Our plans include joint activities with the University Student Study Circles and active support for students as part of their diploma, doctoral and postdoctoral theses, etc.
We hope for fruitful cooperation that will bring us mutual benefits!
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Feel free to contact us via WhatsApp! Our consultant is available!
FIAB Sp. z o.o. Bronisław Koziołkiewicz Sp. k.
Wrocław 54-615
ul. Rakietowa 38
NIP 8942999829
KRS 0000357875
REGON 021278590
BDO 000072061
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