In the last edition of the journal "Medycyna Pracy" there was published an article about high frequency welders and the impact of harmful factors on the human body.
The article was created as part of the promotion of a project co-financed from European funds “Development of innovative new generation machines for joining plastics: PVC, silicon, Teflon, ethylene, using electromagnetic energy” under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, Measure 1.1 “R & D projects for companies”, sub-measure 1.1.1 “Industrial research and development carried out by enterprises”.
Authors of the publication tittled: “Mitigation measures of electromagnetic field exposure in the vicinity of high frequency welders” are: Bartłomiej Zubrzak, Paweł Bieńkowski, Paweł Cała from the Wrocław University of Technology (Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Teleinformatics).
Article in english version available HERE.
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